Sunday, November 25, 2012

Le First Post

[Insert standard welcome message here]

Now that we've gotten THAT business out of the way, let me tell you a little about myself.

I'm a soon-to-be-30-year-old in central Jersey (the New kind, not the one in jolly old England).  I went to an iridologist a little over a year ago, and found out some interesting things.  One of the interesting things is that, yes, it is possible to tell just by looking at my eyes that I really kind of had to pee.

One of the other things that I learned, which was a problem for my boyfriend as well (but not his mom), is that I have a sensitivity to gluten.

I haven't been diagnosed as a celiac, and I'm also not a professional in any way, shape, manner, or form, at least as far as the medical industry is concerned.

However, I have found that I have done much better when I avoid gluten.  I lost ten pounds while still eating like a pig, only eating tons of rice instead of tons of wheat.  I'm a lot more alert and a lot less sleepy when I avoid gluten.  I'm also a lot less cranky.

In the spirit of science (and in the spirit of not having power for ten days, making our electric stove useless, thanks Hurricane Sandy), I tried recently eating at whatever restaurant was open, and was not selective AT ALL in avoiding gluten.  Really, I just wanted a hot meal instead of beef jerky and canned fruit.

I gained weight, took more naps, and my boyfriend's stomach got all hard.

Proof enough for me that I have some sort of sensitivity.  Frankly, I'm glad that it's gluten intolerance instead of the lactose intolerance I thought I had.  Substitute bread is WAAAAAAY better than substitute cheese.

So, I'm back on track again.

I always get excited when I find something new, and really want to share it with people.  Most of the time, nobody cares and I end up talking to the wall.  So, I started this lovely blog so that, if anyone wants to know about my new discoveries, all they have to do is read.

I'll be posting reviews of restaurants, stores, products, whatever, as well as recipes that I've either found or made up.  If you have any requests or want to share, feel free to comment.

Thanks for reading!

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